Where is MS Photo viewer exe located.

Where is MS Photo viewer exe located.

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Windows 10 image viewer exe location free. Location of Photoviewer.exe or Photos.exe located within Windows 10.


I searched the computer, for the file. I do not need to edit or change the jpg's just open. Thank you for all of your help, and I am sorry if my frustration is getting the best of me. Hi mslacat Thank you for sticking with me so far. It appears there is some corruption in your installation that is likely preventing the default photo viewer from working. I would recommend you try performing a repair upgrade to see if it resolves this problem.

Wait while Windows 10 setup does one final check to ensure your system is ready. Windows 10 setup will check if you have enough disk space. Please note, you have the option of choosing what you would like to keep, which includes personal files, apps and settings.

If you want to perform a new install or just keep your files click Change what to keep. Once you have chosen the desired options, click Install to begin. This will be your screen for a little while. During the installation, your computer will restart several times. After the first restart, Windows 10 setup will resume. Irastris did you see my answer? You can definitely use the dll and photo viewer still works in win Give me that answer credit :D — TechnoCore.

Interesting, I hadn't tried that or heard of it. Well if it works, that's great. Show 2 more comments. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. Try adding the following to the registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5. Improve this answer. Flitskikker Flitskikker 6 6 silver badges 2 2 bronze badges. It also worked for me, Windows 10 Pro 64 bits, and fr-ch localization.

This answer nails the problem - it is a bit DLL and so needs to be run with rundll Add a comment. TechnoCore TechnoCore 1, 1 1 gold badge 10 10 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. This only half worked. That error is usually x86 x64 issues, running an x64 app on x86 install. Wonder what gives Because I don't know if this thing will be installed on a Windows, Windows-7, etc.

I don't want to open the file in my program unless the user double-clicks it , but I DO want to load it into a small imagebox if it's a picture , or a PDF icon if it's a PDF, or a Word icon if word, etc, etc.

It all works good on Windows-7, but MS fiddled with the operating system to hide all this in Windows My workaround is to check for jpg, jpeg, gif, png, But is there a "correct" way? My little bit of code finds that again on Windows And my bit of code cannot determine that.

I DO NOT want to install anything, just use what's available or more importantly, find out what is available, and using that information make a decision on whether to display the compressed picture or something else. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Any help would be appreciated. I have the same question Report abuse.

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- Windows 10 image viewer exe location free

  Just type photos and the search bar on Microsoft Store and hit enter you will be able to find Microsoft Photos there that is the official Photo. Photo viewer for Windows 10 · Press Ctrl + the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. · To browse photos within a folder, open a photo from the Folders view or File.    


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